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Birchox - July Edition

Hello friends,

So it is that time of the month where Mr Postman brings along a little package, which makes me rather excited! My monthly Birchbox is something I really look forward to - I follow +Birchbox on Twitter so for days they have been teasing and dropping hints as to what may come this month - and in actual fact this month we have a Birchbag with summery goodness inside.  

Ripping off the packaging I find that I have the bright pink edition of the Birchbag, hurrah! There were four possible choices, all of which look lovely but the pink I have is very vibrant, inspired by Ibiza and designed by Birchbox's own Jess Diner.

The first product I pull out of the bag is a lovely lilac colour Soigne nail varnish, and I promptly painted my nails  - this is a very subtle colour and needed two coats to make it pop. It is very pretty and a sophisticated shade so I like it a lot.  

Next up is a Benefit product (very excited by this as I love Benefit), and it is the Dream Screen sun cream with SPF 45. As a pale freckled person I think sun cream is an absolute essential over the summer months so this is a brilliant addition to this month's bag. It is a really small sample, and I look forward to testing it out at the weekend. 

The next product I pull out was my favourite of the month (so it deserved two photos!) - this is a lovely trio of eyeshadows, one pale one medium and one dark perfect for a smokey eye effect or I think any could be used on their own. The powders have a very soft texture and are super shimmery and again, I am looking forward to going out at the weekend and putting them to use.  

Products four and five are slightly larger cream samples. A cowshed hand cream is up first, and I was a little worried because it has coriander in (which I have a massive aversion to) but it doesn't smell like coriander and is quite a thick moisturising cream. Number five is an Unani aloe vera soothing gel, so if you forget to use your Dream Screen this will be your life saver. Aloe vera is a favourite of mine, so I will definitely be using this. The last product this month was a blue headband - I'm not a big fan of this, but a nice extra for those who are more into hair accessorizing!

Overall I love the idea that we had a bag this month - I am off to Spain in two weeks and will definitely be spending time outside by water so this will be used, plus pretty much all of the products I can see myself using, so I think this has been the best month so far!

Thanks Birchbox, I am already looking forward to next month's goodies!


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