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Showing posts from 2019

Chocolate Orange Brownies

Back to baking and back to blogging! It has been a fair while since I felt the urge to blog, but now my small person is two (how has that happened so fast) I'm finding more time and head space to take up some of my old hobbies. I have always loved baking and seeing how people react when they see my creations, and now photography is a growing love - I'm not all that good at taking photos but with practice I will get there. So today, for my welcome back bake I have Chocolate Orange Brownies, so so tasty but orange is a flavour which divides opinions quite strongly. I personally love a Terry's chocolate orange and these form part of the base of this bake. And an extra sprinkle of orange zest complements these dark chocolate brownies perfectly and I can't wait to take them to a meet up tomorrow with friends and share them around. Ingredients : 150g dark chocolate 125g sharing pack of Terrys chocolate orange 200g unsalted butter 3 large eggs 275g caster sugar